Saturday, August 30, 2008

7:00 a.m. and I'm Already Ticked

I just heard the idiot anchor on Good Morning America (a man, BTW... and did I mention idiot already?) asking one of McCain's people (or some guy from the Republican party... I wasn't really listening at first) if the fact that Sarah Palin has an infant with "special needs" (he has Down's) will make a difference. What he was getting at was it will either affect her ability to be an effective VP, or being VP will affect her ability to mother a child with Down's. The guy being interviewed seemed a little flustered by the question, almost as if he wasn't sure he understood what was being asked of him. He ended up responding with a "No, I don't think it will."

I think most moms agree that working outside the house can and does affect family life, and family life often affects the job. BUT...

That question would NEVER, EVER be asked of a male candidate. NEVER. A male candidate with a lot on his plate at home, whether it's a large family, young kids, a child with special needs, a kid who has been in trouble, a drug-addled, alcoholic brother, WHATEVER, wouldn't be asked if those things would distract him from his job. Nor would he be asked if his job is going to affect his abilities as a dad. NEVER, EVER, EVER.

And so, it begins... all the double-standard, sexist crap that we'll be hearing for the next few months.

And this is neither here nor there, but I'm thrilled with McCain's choice, by the way. I love her. This year, unfortunately, my vote is not going to be as much for one candidate, as it is against the other- but having her on the ticket will make me feel much better about my choice. I'm veering off into politics, which I know is a huge mistake, because pretty soon I'll feel compelled to tell you exactly what I think of that other guy running and his choice for VP and I will offend someone. I better shut it. I'll switch topics.

Let's see... safe topics... Oh- Weather! That's always safe. It's stormy here today and it's supposed to continue, so there won't be much outdoor fun this weekend. We didn't really have any big plans anyway, so no biggie. I know some of you live in the areas where Gustav is supposed to hit and I hope you'll all be OK. I'll be thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer.

One more thing before I go: Thank you, thank you, thank you for the sweet comments on yesterday's post. You guys are just awesome in every way!


Anonymous said...

Nothing gets me madder than sexist comments too- I once bought a brand new SUV from a male chauvinist pig. He only showed that side after I signed all the paperwork. There were a bunch of things he said, but the one that did it was when he didn't want to show me how to use one of the features when I went to pick up my truck because he had some other clients so he said I should ask my boyfriend to show me. Would he say that to a man? That he should have his wife show him how? NO! I got that guy in so much trouble that he had to take classes on how not to be a MCP. I was not the first woman to complain about him either. I wanted to ram my new SUV through the glass window where his office was. But don't worry, I wouldn't. LOL. OH, and my boyfriend didn't know how to do it either.

Angel said...

I am SOOO excited about her too. She is awesome. :0) Angel

Anonymous said...

Well you know I love her! :-) And I am just disgusted at how nasty the left (and random bloggers/youtubers) are being towards her... but it's hard to know if it's because she's a woman or a republican?! But yeah, definitely a lot of sexist tripe out there and much of it from the people who push feminism down our throats! Like, what?! Just crazy.

Heidi said...

I'm a die-hard feminist and agree that such a question wouldn't be asked of a man. But maybe it should. Often the man has a wife who has chosen to stay at home and be the primary child caregiver. But if I'm not mistaken, her husband has his own full-time job. As a working mom myself, I would be curious to see how she juggles all that now--and plans to as VP if she's elected.

Anonymous said...

Let me just say up front that I agree that a lot of sexist crap will fly and that the general media would not ask such questions of a man. THAT SAID...I most certainly DO ask such questions about male candidates. If it were Palin's husband running as VP I would wonder the same things. it IS an issue for me. I fundamentally do not believe you can run on a family values platform while simultaneously returning to work 3 days after giving birth to a special needs child. Her husband had the opportunity to stay home and he lasted a few months before he went back on the oil company payroll because "Men are supposed to work" (I believe that's a real quote, btw, or very close to it) leaving no parents around to raise their large family or new baby. I think it's screwed up values in a huge way. I would have way WAY more respect for her family if one of them were willing to practice what they preach by way of family values.

If Obama's children were tiny I would feel the same way. But incidentally even though they are NOT tiny, Michelle DID quit her job when Obama decided to run. I think it's entirely inappropriate for a candidate to be running for such an important office with tiny children - babies - who need so much attention (especially when they also have special needs) when there is no available or willing parent to pick up the slack. That is pathetic parenting in my book, regardless of your gender.

Anonymous said...

I'm fighting screaming uncle in all this. I'm so frustrated at attacks, assumptions, and just down right cruel remarks. It's so easy to judge others and deem what is a downfall, huh? I like Palin. I don't agree with her 100%, but she'll vote the majority of what I do agree with. But, it's open season in politics, so I guess as disgusting and uncalled for as it is, it is to be expected. urghhh