Sunday, April 20, 2008


Yesterday morning, after taking Buddy outside, Tucker came into the kitchen and said, "Hey- why do we have so many forks in our front yard?"


We all went to look, and this is what we saw.

We'd been FORKED.

Forked. Spooned. Sporked. Knived. All over the front yard. We believe the perps are some of Alex's super-funny, punk friends. Just in case the hoodlums read my blog (and of course, why wouldn't they?), we want them to know we are going to pull a total CSI on their delinquent butts. We're collecting fingerprints from the forks, and hair samples from the yard (which may turn out to be mostly Buddy's) to turn over to the authorities. Actually, we're saving the utensils until they can be returned to their rightful owners at a time when they least expect it (probably next Saturday night). It's ON, punks!

As if getting forked wasn't enough excitement all by itself, last night was the Senior Prom. Alex's date was a gorgeous girl named Dylan (also a senior).


Anonymous said...

How funny.... look at the bright side... forks are sooo much better than toilet paper. Your son looks dashing, BTW. Very handsome.

M. said...

Thank you, Heather! I thought they were the cutest couple there, but I may be a little biased. And you're right- forks are better! I even said yesterday morning how grateful I was that it wasn't TP or dish soap. Much easier to clean up!

Anonymous said...

I love the "so many" as if having only a handful would have been completely ordinary. But yes, so much easier to clean-up than many pranks!

Anonymous said...

heather took the words right out of my mouth - way better than TP!

And those prom pics are great... Prom just brings back so many fun memories and that feeling of excitement that graduation was near... it's so weird to think my daughter is now closer to that day (in the future) than I am (in the past)! Where did the time go??

Anonymous said...

Yes, the girl is pretty, but your son is quite handsome! fun. Seems like only yesterday my husband and I were going to prom together...oh wait, no it really does seem like forever ago! OMG (goodness) I just realized it was 15 years ago.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL prom pics! I am totally showing the forking idea to my kids so they can retaliate on some current neighborhood antics :)

Tracy - said...

That is forking hilarious!

I seriously just showed my husband those photos and told him we have to do that to someone. Our friends just put an offer on a house in our neighborhood. I see some forking in their future. I don't care that I'm not a teenager anymore!

P.S. Your son and his date looked gorgeous!