Thursday, May 28, 2009
Trip- good. Baby- good. Family- good. Home- good. God- Great.
Thanks for your prayers.
More soon- when I can form full sentences.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Homeward Bound
Our first flight is to Honolulu and will be approx. 4.5 hrs., then overnight in Hono. Next flight out is the next day at 3:15 pm from Hono to Atlanta (around 8 hrs., I think), then from Atlanta to KC. Should arrive in KC around 10:00 am Thursday, then a 3 hr. drive home!! Once I get home and have decent internet, I'll be able to update and post pics much better. Maybe after a nap.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Almost There
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Marshallese Music
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Fine, but... Not
Obviously, I have to show one of my handsome little man, who can sit up so big and strong all by himself… until his big ole’ head tips to one side and he falls over. I defy you to find a cuter child. Of course, I could be a tiny bit biased.
This one is of a crazy guy here. I mean as in honestly and truly crazy- schizophrenia (from what I’ve been told); the poor thing. If you zoom in closely, you see he has a white plastic fork in his hat, a knife under his arm, and a dust pan attached to his waist. He is literally prepared for any situation. I guess we could have a discussion on the ethics of posting pics of crazy people on one’s blog, but my intentions are not to make fun of him, I promise. I have a story to share about him, and you really have to see him to get the full impact. He approached us (me, Darrell, Evan, Kate- another mom here- and our two babies) the other day as we were going into a store (that’s when Evan snapped the photo).
Plastic Fork Dude said, “Are these children yours?”
Darrell said yes.
Plastic Fork Dude goes, “Did you get them from Dr. Something-or-other (I don’t remember the name)? From www dot may bach dot com?
Darrell said no.
Do you know what a maybach is?
Kate said, “… … ...No…”
Plastic Fork Dude said, “It’s a high-end Mercedes Benz.”
Then the store guy came along and told the man to leave, so he walked away.
Inside the store, Darrell said, “I had no idea you could get kids online now. I wonder if you get free shipping.”
Later, Evan Googled May Bach and found that it really is a Mercedes, so Plastic Fork Dude knows his fine automobiles.
Anyway... we’re still here, still hot and sweaty, and still fine, although I’m throwing myself a little pity party today.
Kate (from Howdthatgo) got to go home last night, so we are now down to two moms on the island (including me). I’m going to miss her. It’s funny how quickly you can become friends with someone when you’re both away from home and thrown into the same situation. She kept me busy and definitely kept me laughing… and she always made fun of my husband while he was here, which was a nice bonus. How could I not love her, even if only for that? As much as I’ll hate to be without her, I’m so happy for her to be going home and I wish her all the best.
Darrell left last Wednesday and got home Thursday. He’s pretty tired, but glad to be home. I feel like half of me is missing, but that’s probably just because… well… half of me is missing. That idiot is my best friend. This is the longest I’ve been away from home, and by the time I get back, it will be the longest Darrell and I have ever been apart (I was only in China for 12 days). I’ve been Skyping home, so at least I get to see everyone’s faces, but still… I’m getting pretty homesick. We are into Week Four here. Our paperwork is into its second week in Manila, so we probably have two weeks remaining here. I love the people I’ve met here, but I’m so, so ready to get back home.
We’re getting ready to go to dinner. It’s Taco Tuesday at our hotel’s restaurant… the high point of my week.
More later.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
In Lieu of a Card...
Secondly, do I even have any readers left? I’ve been terrible about posting and I’m imagining many of you are jumping ship.
I do have a good excuse for not blogging. Really. The free Wi-Fi here isn’t all that great- it’s either too slow, or it’s down altogether, so we have to buy internet minutes. One hundred minutes for $10.00. That seems like a lot of minutes, until three people start trying to use the computer. We Skype home and check our email, and before you know it, the minutes are gone and I never got to post to the blog. Skype has been wonderful, by the way- for those of you who may be traveling and wonder how well it works. Soon, I’m going to do a post for any waiting RMI families (are there any of you out there?) including a packing list, what you need and DON’T need, etc.- Everything I wish I would have known before coming. So if you are adopting from the Marshalls or know someone interested in the program, you may want to watch for that one.
Now, onto what we’ve been up to lately and then we’ll get to what you really want… the pictures.
In my last post, I told you the boys were both sick. Evan is now fine. It was NOT parasites, just a viral thing (Thank God). The baby is better, but is still on antibiotics. I caught a chest cold and lost my voice for a couple days, but am starting to feel better. Darrell is great.
Our documents were sent out last Wednesday and just arrived in Manila where they will be processed. Most families’ paperwork has been taking approx. two weeks in Manila, then about another week to travel back here, so we could be looking at another three weeks here- although we pray Every.Single.Day that it will be shorter. Every.Single.Day. Join us, won’t you? Please? I’m seriously begging God that each person who handles our paperwork will feel an urgency to process it and move it along to its next destination, and that it won’t spend time uselessly sitting on someone’s desk.
Darrell is leaving next Wednesday (the 13th) and will get back home on Thursday, for which my mother is shouting with glee, I’m sure. Evan, Mr. Sammy Davis Junior and I will be here the rest of the time, sweating and waiting, waiting and sweating… although, I have yet to see a single bead of sweat on either one of my boys. It’s just me. The only sweaty person in all of Majuro. These Marshallese women have enough hair on their heads for four people and it grows down to their butt cracks. You’d think they’d be hot. But, no. No sweat. Nary a drip. Only the fat, white woman sweats. If you come to our hotel and ask, “Where does the white lady live?” The reply will be, “Which one? The pretty one? Or the sweaty one?”
The first pics are from an area here called Rita. This is not me wading in the water, by the way... It is an actual pig.
Last Friday was Constitution Day here, so we spent most of the day watching the festivities. There was a “parade,” which basically consisted of every school class, business, and government authority walking down the street. Then, there were speeches, mostly in Marshallese, lots of singing, dancing, and food, and fireworks that night. I got burnt to a crisp, even though we sat under a covered area all day. White chicks… you can’t take them anywhere.
Last Sunday, we were invited by our attorney to attend his church and then went back to his home for lunch. After that, he took us out to a place called “Mile 17,” which is basically the halfway point on the island. It was a really pretty area.
We got to meet Sam’s grandparents a couple days ago (I'll get a picture of that up next time). We had them over for lunch, and they are both very sweet people. The next day, Sam’s aunt came for a visit, and then came back again yesterday with her husband and son. We’ve had a few meetings with Sam’s birth mom, but don’t know how much contact we’ll continue to have. Out of respect for Sam’s privacy, I won’t go into any details about his birth mom’s story, other than to say we have not had the experience we had hoped for with her, although the rest of her family members have been truly wonderful people, and we look forward to forging an ongoing relationship with them. Things could always improve with the birth mom, too, of course- and we’re hoping and praying for that.
Today, Darrell and Evan are going to an outer island for snorkeling. If you know me, you know I don’t do boats or water activities very well… Haha. I said “very well,” as if I do them at all. Gosh, I’m funny. I do not do water activities. I do not swim. I hear fat people supposedly float, but I don’t want to be the one to test that theory. I’ll ride on a pontoon on the lake (with my life jacket on the whole time, and asking my kids if their life jackets are tightened up enough, but that’s the height of my Xtreme Sporting Adventures). What a pansy. I wear nose clips in the shower. I’m in one of the best snorkeling spots on earth and I am afraid of water. Funny.
Onto the best topic of today’s post: Sammy Davis Junior. He is truly a joy. He's a very happy baby, until he gets sleepy. He can roll over already, and he's had two nights of sleeping straight through 'til morning (YEAH!). AND... He started sitting up by himself yesterday!
Sammy Davis Junior is not really what we named him. You knew that, right?
Here’s a funny story, though… One of the things you agree to do in the RMI program is retain some part of your baby’s given name somewhere in the name you choose for him. Fine. We had no problem with that whatsoever, and were really excited about incorporating his Marshallese name into the one we gave him. We imagined all these “Marshallese-sounding” names, if you know what I mean, and wondered what his mother would choose… We hoped it would have some really cool, significant meaning that would be a special link between him and his mama later in life.
She chose Junior. Seriously. My child’s first name is Junior.
Tonight we celebrated Mother’s Day (remember, we're a day ahead of you) with Sam’s foster family, who are the sweetest couple. They invited us into their home and served us a traditional Marshallese meal (I drank from a coconut, y’all!). They blessed us with gifts and made us feel so welcome. We love them and hope we’ll be able to stay in contact. If you’re in the RMI program and you’re child is in foster care, you have nothing to worry about. You're child will be blessed and loved.
More pictures to come... Hope you're all doing well. I'm missing my kids, our family and friends, and my blogs.