Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Having trouble commenting on this blog?

I've heard from several regular readers who say they've had problems trying to leave comments on my blog. I'm also hearing from a few who have had trouble accessing the blog altogether. I've been trying to resolve these issues through Blogger, but haven't had much success getting to the bottom of the problem.

If you are able to see this post- whether you normally comment or not, will you please do me a favor and try to comment on it? Let me know if your comment published successfully on the first try or if you had to try several times, too. If you are unable to leave your comment, I'd appreciate it if you would shoot me an email to let me know (sammakes7 at live dot com). I'm trying to determine exactly how many readers are having this issue and whether or not it's a random, intermittent thing, or if it consistently affects the same people over and over.

Also, if you get an error message at times when trying to open the blog, would you please email me with the specifics of the message?

Thanks so much for your help!


Anonymous said...

nicely done website.

Anonymous said...

nice site. 7, WOW.

Anonymous said...

Comments above made in one shot using internet explorer and firefox browsers.
The followers widget has been causing many weird problems for the past 2 months.
it could be any widget. If you added a widget just previous to when the problem started, try deleting it.
Also If you paste your text using ms word, that causes serious problems with IE users (not firefox)

Chandra said...

This is my first try. Using Firefox.

Anonymous said...

1st try, using MS Explorer

Anonymous said...

1st try - Firefox

Elaine said...

It's working for me today! Using explorer. First try. But Tami's blog? Couldn't access it yesterday. If It's still doing it to me today, I'll try to catch the error message, becasue it's the same one I've been getting on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, posting using IE.

Anonymous said...

1st try in IE.

Patty said...

1st try in IE. Also just wanted to add that I love reading your blog. Congratulations on your newest cutie Sam....so adorable!

SueCQ said...

No problem accessing the blog. This is my first attempt at commenting.

Kelli said...

I had the same problem with people being able to access my blog- the troubles were gone when I removed the followers widget. Someone else told me that widget caused issues on their blog. So, I am able to comment in IE!

Lina said...

This is my first try- using IE.

Heidi said...

No problem here.

Anonymous said...

It would be a good idea to download the firefox browser. In the event of IE having problems ( which is quite often ), you can just switch to firefox.
If you get involved with the google help forums, you will find 100 explorer related problems, versus a possible 1 with firefox.
IE does not play nice with blogger, or any other application for that matter.

dimeadozen said...

1 st try

Stacy said...

I have had trouble sometimes commenting in the past, this is the 1st try this time with IE...

MJ said...

I love what you have done to the website!

L. said...

I've been having the same problem with people not being able to comment on my blog......it's exasperating and no one on Blogger even answers user's questions! How did you fix your problem? Please post here on your comments section and I'll check back.....thanks so much in advance.

M. said...


To be honest, I'm not sure how or why the problem is fixed. While I was out of the country, I was copying and pasting my posts from MS Word into my blog. The third Anon. comment above says that can cause problems. That would explain why I was having so many problems then, but not now. I have also followed that commenter's advice and removed the Following widget. I do use IE and not Firefox, so apparently that could be part of it, too. I guess we'll see what happens from now on.

Kathy said...

first try using IE. By chance did you upgrade to IE8 and have the problems start then? Just a thought.